רשימת בני הקהילה והמשפחות

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היסטוריית המשפחה




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שייכים למשפחה? מחפשים קרובים? יש לכם מידע להוסיף?

אתם מוזמנים להוסיף תגובה בתחתית הדף - מידע רלוונטי יעודכן בדף המשפחה וכן יפורסם בניוזלטר העמותה.

השאר הודעה

שם מלא

Lori Lieberman‏ | 13/11/2012‏ 3:41

Lieberman and Rind families

My great, great grandfather, Jacob Lieberman was from Tomashov Lubelski, and had 6 children including my great grandfather, Louis, aka Elya
Jacob married in 1859 to a woman by the last name Warter. Louis was born in 1884.My grandfather was Harry Lieberman, Louis's son. The Lieberman family intermarried with the Rinds from Tomashov many times .

שאול רינד‏ | 22/02/2018‏ 20:04

משפחת רינד מטומשוב בישראל

שלום לכם, לידיעתכם יש משפחה כאן בארץ…

Fran Tannenbaum Kaye‏ | 04/10/2018‏ 22:16

Rind families from Tomoshow and Tomoshow-Libelski

Hello, I'm sorry I don't read Hebrew, but I reached this site and am very
interested in this, as I am descended from Rind family from both Komorow and Tomoshov. My grandfather was Phillip Rind, and his father was named
Louis Rind.

I have met Izzy Rind in Palo Alto California, who owns a bagel store there and whose relatives are from Tomoshow.

Shaul rind‏ | 01/05/2019‏ 23:21

Contact whith rind family israel

Halow my name is shaul rind, my father was ronny rind, his brother is martin rind.their father was hary rind how lived in londen..he was born in lublin poland from rind family from tomasov

My fone number in israel is 0775007417

My mail is srind@walla.com